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not one forgotten (PoCs)


Breaking the silence surrounding Enforced disappearancement

 “Giving up is not an option here. As the saying goes, quitters  don’t win. Only those who are done talking and ready to take action can make a difference but from experience that is still not enough . We must decide to take action collectively. Recognising that we are all losing”

  • On December 21st, 2010, the UN declared August 30th the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearance in order to draw attention to the fate of people detained in places unknown to their families, communities and lawyers.“Every year, people vanish after being arrested, detained, or abducted In Cameroon there have been a series of mass arrests as well as individuals and disappearances by government officials or those working in concert with them and by  armed groups.

We Fight for the victims of enforced disappearances which may include their family members and community if the direct victim is proven the bread winner of all named above especially their women and children. We are committed to doing what is necessary




  • Alisha Williams
    Posted March 6, 2019 9:16 am 0Likes

    Thank you so much for the wonderful job that you do. We are going to join your campaign!

    • Kylie Jefferson
      Posted March 6, 2019 9:18 am 0Likes

      I am one of the volunteers here, and would like to invite you to one of our meetings

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